
Who is DataInsighter

We build systems that unlock the potential hidden in data

With offices in Houston, Texas and Redmond, Washington, USA, DataInsighter is a group of world-class engineers and data scientists with decades of industry experience. Focusing on the three cutting-edge areas of Cloud, Mobile and Internet of Things, we create unique end-to-end solutions that combine these components with rich Analytics to empower organisations through data.

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Professional Software Design

Extensive knowledge in developing scalable, high-performance web services, and building applications that run on / integrate with multiple platforms. Specializing in, but not limited to, Microsoft’s powerful suite of technologies and services, we know how to deal with challenging constraints and tailor our approach to each problem.

Strategic Consultancy

In the fast-paced world of evolving technologies, it is very difficult to keep track of the latest trends and anticipate future needs. With extensive experience in building high-tech solutions, DataInsighter’s technical experts can help an organization meet current and future goals through strategic consulting.

We provide data-driven technology and strategic consulting solutions

Cloud Services

Increasingly, cloud computing is becoming a major component of the technology and business strategy for companies of all sizes. Smart companies are quickly adapting to this change and moving computing resources to the cloud. This shift lowers cost by reducing the need to maintain infrastructure.

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Internet of Things

The Internet of Things, or IoT, refers to the growing number of devices connected to the internet – from mobile phones to thermostats, temperature sensors to GPS trackers. More specifically, it refers to the network these devices create and the abundance of data sent over this network.

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Integration Services

Most organizations have existing business systems and associated data that were never designed to work together. However, this functionality – and, perhaps more importantly, this data – is far more useful and powerful when it may be managed and used collectively, wherever it is needed.

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Whether your organization is simply looking for ways to improve your data and systems or advice on how to take advantage of the latest in Cloud, Mobile, IoT or Data Analytics, we can help. Beyond the theoretical, we know how to make the magic happen, taking any organization from data curious to data-driven.

Reach us today using our contact form